27 Fun Facts About Me

  1. I was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina and moved to Canada in the 1990’s.

  2. I LOVE travel and adventure. I’ve been to 39 countries so far, so only 156 to go! :)

  3. My obsession with travel started at a young age. I used to look through an Atlas on a daily basis and dream of going to places I’ve never been. I used to memorize capital cities just for fun!4.

  4. Once upon a time, I wanted to be either a travel agent, a marine biologist, an archeologist or a photojournalist.

  5. I am terrified of heights.

  6. I love to dance to latin music, especially salsa!

  7. I have a few nicknames including Sasha, Sale, Radic and Panda.

  8. I fell in love with photography when I was 12 or 13. My youngest sister was my favourite subject to photograph.

  9. I love to photograph people the most, but I also enjoy landscape and food photography.

  10. I wanted to go to school for Photography or Film Direction, but since my parents didn’t consider that a smart career path at the time, I ended up studying International Relations and Marketing. :O

  11. I used to do some acting back in the day. I made a couple of commercials and was even cast as the princess in the Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Toronto.

  12. My first camera was a Canon EOS Rebel Film SLR.

  13. The main camera I shoot with now is a Nikon D850.

  14. I share the same birthday as Leonardo DaVinci.

  15. I love summer and being in nature!

  16. My dream is to get published in National Geographic.

  17. Some of my favourite photographers include: Jimmy Nelson, Steve McCurry, Annie Leibovitz, Peter Lindbergh, Mario Testino, and Lee Jeffries.

  18. I am a coffeeholic. My favourite coffee drink is a cortado.

  19. If I could have a superpower it would be teleportation.

  20. I’ve travelled to Cuba 24 times.

  21. Three years ago, I spent one year backpacking the world.

  22. I am a night owl, but always wanted to be a morning person.

  23. One of my favourite songs is Porcelain by Moby.

  24. My zodiac sign is Aries.

  25. Sunset is my favourite time of day.

  26. I am a certified meditation teacher.

  27. I am the co-founder of Love Yourself Yoga and Wellness Retreats for women, which are normally held once a month in Ontario. Would love to expand it internationally one day!


Romantic Newlywed Couples Session


Summer Bohemian Elopement